Wednesday June 28, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Last week the 13 language sections of VOV World received over 360 letters, emails, and phone calls from listeners in 36 countries. In addition to technical feedback on the transmission, they expressed their appreciation for VOV’s shortwave broadcasts covering political, social, and economic developments in Vietnam that they can’t hear about on local media.
Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 1The Vietnamese female footballers had a friendly match with the German women football team in Germany. (photo: 

B: The English program received 60 letters and emails from the UK, the US, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Italy, Belgium, Morocco, Brazil, and other places. The transmission on 11885 khz, 12020 khz, and 9730 khz were pretty good, according to our listeners.

A: In Belgium, Marc Soens listened to VOV’s English program on June 23 on the frequency of 11885 khz. He used a Yaesu FT-710 receiver and rated SINPO 53344. Marc noted propagation with interference from 11880 khz station.

B: He said he was interested in news about a business forum to increase partnerships between Vietnamese and South Korean enterprises and a bumper pineapple harvest delivering good profits to Vietnamese farmers. Marc said he wants to hear more about Vietnam from VOV.

A: Massimo Lascialfari of Italy sent us a reception report for our transmission on June 5 on the frequency of 11885 khz. SINPO rating was 45433.

B: Karuna Kanta Pal of West Bengal, India, told us that he learned many new things from VOV’s English program. The Letter Box is his favorite segment because it often answers his questions. He also enjoys the Current Affairs, Society, and Business report very much. He often tunes in to VOV’s frequency of 9730 khz and rates the overall signal 4.

A: Rodrigo Denunci of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, emailed us a reception report for our program on June 18. He said that the transmission on the frequency of 12020 khz at 11:45 UTC was not very good. He rated SINPO 22233. Rodrigo used a Sihuadon R-108 receiver with a long wire antenna.

A: Marcelo A. Cornachioni of Argentina told us he listened to VOV’s program on 12020 khz on May 31. The signal was strong and clear with a SINPO of 45544.

B: Thank you, dear listeners, for tuning in to VOV’s broadcasts and sending us your feedback. You’ll receive a VOV electronic verification card to acknowledge your report.

Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 2The ceremony introduces the documentary "Vietnam, Where are you?" (photo: Vietnam+)

A: The news about a new documentary on Vietnam’s women’s football team delighted our listeners, who sent congratulations to the team for qualifying for the 2023 World Cup, a source of national pride regardless of the outcome. The documentary honors the players and encourages sportsmanship.

B: The film, titled "Vietnam-Where are you?", will be released on Vietnamese Women's Day, October 20. The 45-minute documentary will detail the lives of Vietnam’s "golden girls" on and off the pitch. 

A: At the coming World Cup finals, the Vietnamese team will face the US, the defending champion, on July 22, Portugal on July 27, and the Netherlands, the runners-up of the previous tournament, on August 1. All these matches will take place in New Zealand.

B: The British football magazine FourFourTwo posted an article about the Vietnam women’s  team: “It would be fair to label the Golden Star Women Warriors outsiders, but few teams are going into the tournament in a form as encouraging. Vietnam's women's side won the gold medal for football at the 2023 Southeast Asian Games and have won both of their AFC Olympic Qualifiers this year, buoying them up ahead of the World Cup Down Under.”

Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 3The ceremony introduces the documentary "Vietnam, Where are you?" (photo: Vietnam+)

A: Last week our listeners sent us a lot of questions about Vietnam, such as the COVID-19 situation, blood donation drives, summer youth volunteer activities, the Action Month for children, the celebration of Yoga Day, and the International Day of Families.

B: The International Day of Families is observed on May 15, while Vietnam Family Day is observed annually on June 28. Various mass movements implemented across Vietnam over the past years have produced positive effects, enhancing public awareness about the value of family traditions.

A: One major campaign called on people to participate in building a cultural life by integrating cultural elements into all aspects of their social life toward a civilized community and healthy society, starting with the family. 

B: In Hanoi, the movement to build cultural families has affirmed its role in overall cultural development and creating refined and civilized lifestyle. Since "No smoking" was added as one of the criteria for cultural families, it has effectively discouraged people from using tobacco products at homes, festivals, weddings, funerals, and family gatherings.

A: Ho Chi Minh City has promoted the family code of conduct compiled by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to raise people’s awareness of and behavior within family relationships.

Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 4The 2nd Eggs Festival makes a record of 50 egg dishes (photo: 

B: This week activities are being held at the Vietnam Exhibition Centre for Culture and Arts in Hanoi to celebrate Vietnam Family Day 2023. A photo exhibition called “Where I arrive” will depict the lives of female workers who migrated to the capital to earn a living, build a happy family, and raise children.

B: An Eggs Festival will be held, where for family members can paint eggs, make art using eggs, and make egg-based beverages. An art and culture exchange will be held with artists, businessmen, soldiers, and workers sharing their experiences building a happy family.

Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 5Family Festival at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in Hanoi (photo:

A: “Family Festival” is the theme of a June program at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in Hanoi. There will be activities introducing the traditional culture of the H’re ethnic group in Quang Ngai province, including worshipping rituals at a wharf and performances of folk songs and dances by H’re, Co Tu and Gia Rai ethnic minority groups.

B: Every day ethnic artisans will demonstrate their traditional handicrafts and organize folk games for visitors such as throwing the còn ball, walking on stilts, and swinging. Visitors will have a chance to sample ethnic dishes, brocade products, and musical instruments of ethnic groups.

Wednesday June 28, 2023 - ảnh 6Family Festival at the Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism in Hanoi (photo:

A: On Vietnam Family Day, we wish you a lot of joy, reduced hardships, and that your family will be happy forever. No matter where you go, what you do, or how difficult your life is, your family will always be a firm support for you.

B: We welcome your feedback at English Service, VOVWorld, the Voice of Vietnam, 45 Ba Trieu street, Hanoi, Vietnam, by email at You’re invited to visit us online at, where you can hear both live and recorded programs.

A: Check out our VOV Media App, available on both the IOS and Android platform, to hear our broadcasts. We look forward to your feedback on the mobile version of Once again, thank you all for listening. Goodbye!

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